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Watch our webinar where you can learn firsthand what was discussed at the recent 19th MR-Linac Consortium meeting held in Singa...
Clinical highlights of the 19th MR-Linac consortium meeting
Elekta ONE | Planning powered by MIM* is the new generation in treatment planning, that combines premium user experience with s...
Elekta ONE® | Planning, converging the best of treatment planning components in one
Brachytherapy Web Symposium (2024年12月4日)
With evolving regulatory requirements, ensuring your practice meets the latest MIPS reporting standards is more important than ...
2024 MIPS Reporting Requirements
Join us for the 6th FARO and Elekta webinar, where innovation meets cervical cancer strategy. Esteemed speakers from Chiang Mai...
The 6th FARO and Elekta Webinar: Innovation meets cervical cancer strategy
We are excited to invite you to an exclusive HDR prostate brachytherapy webinar. This event features insights from world-renown...
HDR Prostate Brachytherapy: Setting standards with radiation oncologists and urologists
During this webinar Donna Sternberg, RN, BSN, OCN, Chief Nurse, will guide you through the benefits of ePROs for patients and c...
Leveraging ePROs for smarter care
Discover how Comprehensive Motion Management (CMM) on Elekta Unity is enabling clinicians to confidently reduce margins. Join u...
Reducing margins with Elekta Unity Comprehensive Motion Management
Data security is crucial. Check out our 60-minute interactive webinar and hear from Elekta, Microsoft and customers on their ex...
Data security with Elekta Axis Cloud and Microsoft
Watch Elekta and our reimbursement support partner, Revenue Cycle Coding Strategies (RCCS), webinar where discuss the following...
Elekta Brachytherapy billing and coding
The incidence of gynecological cancer in developing countries is a serious concern for the clinical community. With the cancer ...
Linac, Brachytherapy and MR-Linac—the triple threat to gynecological cancers
Join Dr. Jon Strasser from ChristianaCare to learn more about how MOSAIQ Voice helps lead the way in clinical documentation exc...
MOSAIQ Voice documentation excellence with Dr. Jon Strasser
In this webinar, Dr. Alison Tree, Consultant Clinical Oncologist at the radiotherapy department and the Team at the Royal Marsd...
Stereotaxy made easy with Elekta Versa HD®: Prostate oligometastases
Are you looking to implement lung SBRT/SABR in your practice but you’re concerned about the challenges of margin reduction and ...
Lung SBRT made easy with Elekta Versa HD®
Dr. Ranchit Kumar and Dr. Amir Sadeghi Gorabchi of Banner M.D. Anderson Cancer Center share their experience using the Oncentra...
The benefits of real-time ultrasound-guided prostate HDR treatments
Clincians from Minneapolis Radiation Oncology share their experience with the implementation of an EPID-based dosimetry system ...
VMAT QA Made Easy: Clinical experience of a novel EPID-based dosimetry solution
Elekta and Philips have a joint mission to elevate the role of MRI and ensure better outcomes for cancer patients. In this webi...
Elevating the role of MRI in RT
Dr. Chia-Lin Tseng from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre talks about treating tumors that can change in shape and size during ...
Radiation therapy for CNS tumors on the MR-Linac: Adaptive radiotherapy and beyond
Elekta Unity allows you to see oligomets that you couldn’t see before, offering you the best opportunity to make a difference t...
See the difference with Elekta Unity: Imaging and treating oligomets in the abdomen
The final installment in Elekta’s 2021-22 Brachytherapy Webinar Series will discuss how to select the correct optimization meth...
Planning strategies for hybrid applicators
During this mastercourse, our panel will present a brief history of Elekta Unity from concept to clinic. Panelists will then di...
MR-Linac Mastercourse: Elekta Unity clinical experience
Join us for a fascinating case review prepared by Dr. William Hall from the Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Hall ...
Pancreatic case examples using Unity
Dr. Christopher Crane and Dr. Neelam Tyagi from Memorial Sloan Kettering, USA, discuss how MSK moved from treating locally adva...
Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) approach to ablative radiotherapy
Prof. Frank Lohr and Medical Physicist Elisa Cennachi share their clinical experience of treating multiple brain metastases wit...
Stereotaxy made easy: Linac-based SRS in a high throughput environment
Designed for up to stage IIB cervical cancer, Geneva is ideal for treating up to 75 percent of patients with locally advanced d...
Geneva, the universal gynecological applicator
In this webinar, Dr. Michael McDermott presents on radiosurgery for meningiomas. He discusses recommended dose prescriptions, t...
Radiosurgery for meningioma: Indications, dosing, toxicity and results
This webinar is presented by Dr. Leon Dunn, Deputy Chief Medical Physicist at GenesisCare, Victoria.
AQUA Machine QA: The GenesisCare experience
A 20-year-old college student suffered a brain hemorrhage from a previously unrecognized AVM in the right temporal lobe. Her Sp...
Case Series: Treating arteriovenous malformations (AVM) with the unique dose sculpting capability
This webinar offers a deep dive into personalized digital health interventions with Patient-Reported Outcomes and intelligent s...
Benefits of PRO-based Digital Health Interventions with Kaiku Health
Dr. Fawzi Abuhijla, Consultant Radiation Oncologist at the King Hussein Cancer Center in Amman, Jordan, and Dr. İsmail Faruk Du...
Breast Cancer: RT approaches and treatment techniques
Regarder au webinaire «La curiethérapie dans le cancer du col utérin: Expérience de l'INO au Maroc» avec le Docteur Hanae Bakka...
La curiethérapie dans le cancer du col utérin: Expérience de l'INO au Maroc
Learn about Elekta Harmony, the latest addition to our linac family, and how it can help offer your department the perfect bala...
How does Elekta Harmony offer the perfect balance?
In this session, we’ll deliver an understanding of the current landscape of brachytherapy for cervical cancer in the Turkey, In...
GYN Brachytherapy Masterclass: Transition from intracavitary to advanced interstitial
本講演会では、日本赤十字社長崎原爆病院 放射線治療科 部長 林靖之先生と放射線科 医学物理士 堀大輔様に「転移性脳腫瘍に対する定位的放射線治療 ~Agility-Monaco-VMATを用いた二年間の経験から~」と題して、Agility MLCを搭載した...
2nd Radiotherapy Web Symposium
Do you want your MOSAIQ data to flow to other systems in your hospital? One of the ways we can achieve this, and reduce duplica...
Introduction to MOSAIQ External Systems Interface
Emerging evidence supports the use of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for oligometastatic disease. Dr. Anusheel Munshi di...
SBRT for oligometastatic disease: technology and evidence
In this webinar, our clinical experts in the field of radiosurgery provide insights on how Leksell Gamma Knife can: address the...
What can we learn from radiosurgery platform comparison studies?
Dr. Martijn Intven, consultant radiation oncologist and researcher in the UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands, discusses the clinical ...
MRI-guided online adaptive radiotherapy for gastro-intestinal tumors on the Elekta Unity MR-Linac
Dr. Igor Migowski from Hospital das Americas (COI) in Rio de Janeiro discusses his experience in ultra-hypofractionation of pro...
Hipofracionamento para tratamento de Câncer de Próstata
This webinar is led by Dr. S. Sowmya Narayanan , Prof. & Head, Department of Radiation Physics, Chief Medical Physicist & Radio...
Planning Insights for High Dose Rate Mode
Dr. Shaik Ahmad Buhari and Dr. Johann Tang share their experience in APBI brachytherapy.
Brachytherapy for Breast Cancer: Accelerated partial breast irradiation
Matthew Ladra, MD, MPH with Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center discusses how Big Data aggregation and analysis are key to study...
Elekta ProKnow: Using data to correlate neurocognitive outcomes
In this informative webinar, you will learn how:
• IntelliMax can save on average 8 hours of clinical downtime per IntelliMax d...
Maximizing clinical availability with IntelliMax
In this webinar, Prof. Filippo Alongi from Cancer Care Center Negrar, Italy and Dr. Robbert Tersteeg from UMC Utrecht, the Neth...
Elekta Unity in daily radiotherapy routine
El Dr. Gustavo Sarria presentará su visión sobre el estado actual de esta técnica en Latinoamérica así como algunas razones por...
Presente y futuro de la Braquiterapia en América Latina
The impact of modern technology in radiation therapy has opened up new options that previously were hard to achieve with conven...
Spine SBRT in the management of spinal tumors
Clinicians in Brazil, China, India, Thailand and Philippines, the United Kingdom and the United States discuss what they have b...